Clifton Presbyterian Church (CPC) has continuously served the Clifton community for over 150 years. Photos and artifacts from the early beginnings of the church are on display in the Narthex.
New Year’s Eve 1870, the cornerstone of the present native stone structure of CPC was laid, and until the building was completed in late 1872, the growing congregation continued to rent space from Margaret Hetzel. Margaret and her daughter, are among the founders of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), established in 1890, and their home still stands on the corner of what is now Pendleton Avenue and Chapel Road.
Outside, beneath our historic bell tower, is the original entrance to the Sanctuary with the stately old wooden doors that were put in place in the early 1960’s. After 40 plus years, the beautiful round stained glass window, installed above the old doors in the 1960’s, was made visible from the inside during the remodeling and re-visioning of the church completed by Christmas 2006. This award winning addition kept the character of the old church, just as the town of Clifton strives to keep the character of the beloved old village.
Established in 1982, the CPC Preschool is recognized by Fairfax County as an Exemplary Community Early Childhood Site, offering classes for ages 2½ to 5 with extended care available.